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IF and nutrition

Arsen Giller

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Arsen Giller

Hi All,


I’m new to the program and I have the unlimited monthly membership but I don’t currently own the nutrition program. 


Currently my diet i closely resembles Keto or slow carb. I eat a lot of greens and veggies but also get a good amount of fat from oil, fish nuts etc... I also fast intermittently. 


I was was hoping some one that has IF experience can tell me about there experience in utilizing the nutrition program. If there is any specific timing involved etc....

currently I eat from 1pm to 9pm  my workouts are typically at 5 am  Not ideal because i don’t eat prior to or right after my work outs   


thanks in advance. 


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Christopher Hancox

I'm not really sure if IF really works with Thrive. Thrive is set up for the body to have everything it needs, when it needs it. 

I guess it could be adapted to suit IF and working out without food, but I am pretty sure it is not optimal and not the most beneficial way to train and recover. 

Thrive is certainly worth a go. It made a significant difference to me.

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Suzanna McGee
On 3/1/2018 at 8:14 AM, Arsen Giller said:

currently I eat from 1pm to 9pm  my workouts are typically at 5 am  Not ideal because i don’t eat prior to or right after my work outs   

I eat from about 11 to 7, but I do workout around 3:30 PM, so I am fueled before and after… (and I don't do Thrive, because I am vegan). But I know many of high performance athletes who do IM with workouts during the "hungry" times, and they do quite well. Strong and lean. The body will extract what it needs when you give it to it. Just make sure you give it only nutritious foods and you will be fine.  

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