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When to start ring training?


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From my other post in the basic strength forum, I am still on the tuck planche (basic) and just transitioned to the advanced tuck front lever.

When in a 'normal' persons training should one start the rings? (the Beginner Ring Video posted by coach).

Or are there other videos or progressions that I need to do first before even attempting rings?

Do I need to finish the entire tuck front lever and tuck planche progressions (that could take a year I imagine) before the rings?

Aside from the tuck planche and lever progressions, I am having a rough time figuring out how to put (and when) some of these other basic exercises together. Is there a good outline?

Thanks again!

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If you have the rings, I highly reccomend getting up on them and getting used to supporting and then doing muscle ups or the progressions. Take your time getting used to the instability of supporting on the rings so you don't get any pain across your chest or in your elbows.

However that frog stand and tuck planche on floor or p-bars/parallettes is a world of difference than doing it on rings.

I'd make sure you are definitely confident of your support before you decide to just hop on and go for a tuck planche. Even if it was super low to the ground because the fall is not fun or painless.

While you could play with tuck planche, it probably isn't even in the realm of feasible until you can support for say 60 seconds solidly. Being able to do more than enough dips or a muscle-up ( strict ) is a good idea before playing with going to tuck planche ( keep those arms straight ).

It could also be said you should have a solid L before tuck planche but that gets back to the support.

You should learn a forward roll out of the support like the forward roll to muscling back up to support. Unless you have a nice soft something to land on when you fall on your face from the tuck planche when your arms bend or you lean too much.

Jump to inverted support on low rings

Skin the cat

Front support

Support dips

Muscle up

Back lever

Forward roll from support to L hang ( why not ).

Multiple muscle-ups ( as in basic ring series 2 )

Support press to headstand from L and back to L, rolling out from the headstand

Front lever

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