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Matt Render

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Matt Render

Hey there


I am currently a vegan. I was wondering if Thrive is even a possibility for me? 


I know my diet needs to be revamped in some ways. I currently eat one meal a day, usually at night. I know this isn't ideal for performance, but I do make decent progress on strength and I look pretty lean in front of the mirror. I still feel like I need to make improvements on my diet, and as well, my relationship towards food.  Any suggestions of good resources, and opinions on whether or not I should or should not purchase the thrive program? 



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Everett Carroll

Hey Matt, 

Thrive does promote the consumption of animal products for performance. That said, the course is easily applied to a vegan diet as the daily tasks are geared toward a balanced meal structure. Examples include "eat a healthy fat with breakfast" and "consume x much protein with lunch".

Animal products are frequently in the suggested foods for each category so you'd definitely be swapping those out for vegan options. For protein tasks, you'd need to have certain foods like tofu and vegan protein powders handy to replace the suggested proteins like meat and eggs. Those are things we can help you with inside the student section of the forum if you do decide to give it a go. 

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