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Training in the morning and how it affects Thrive

Steven Ma

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I have started to train in the morning, starting at 5am.

The daily meal flow of Thrive seems to be laid out for an individual who trains after work and has dinner after their workout as their post. In my case, breakfast is my post-workout meal. 

My question is: What is the proper way of tailoring Thrive for someone who chooses to train the morning? Or does it not affect the outline of Thrive at all?

Thanks for any help!

In health & fitness.

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Alessandro Mainente

Hi Steven, well is depends from person to person. For me training without carbs actually is impossible so i need to adjust the training session or the meal.


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Thomas Hanssen

Its individual as Alessandro says. For me its okay to train fasted in the morning, maybe a small protein shake, and two cups of coffee and I'm good. Others have to have breakfast or something in their tummy. Just have to try out what works best for you.

I don't know the thrive system, but its probably wise to add some quality protein and carbs in the post workout meal.  If it fit your macros:)

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