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Foundations vs Elements 1

Brian Pfeister

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Brian Pfeister

I am completely new to GB and its programs. I just recently stumbled on some interviews of Coach Sommer on the internet and decided to give it a try. I started the suggested programing this week but am not sure the Foundations is where I should be. The stretch programs are kicking my butt but the first few Foundations workouts have felt more like a light warm up.

As a former soldier and high-school athlete  I have done powerlifting and body-weight training off and on for over 2 decades now. I would consider myself in decent shape for my age but definitely lacking in mobility/skills. I am committed to doing it right and building up a good foundation but don't want to feel like I am loosing strength and conditioning while rebuilding a strong base. Do I just need to stick it out with Foundations and keep clicking "Too Easy" for the exercises? Should I be in a different program? What is the difference between Foundations and Elements 1-5? Do they both take you to the same place in the end?

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Alessandro Mainente

HI Brian , yes you can click on the "too easy" on the smiley. Also, you can access the workout setting (top right corner of the main course page) and test the mastery of the first element. if you pass it, you can move on BUT both PE and IM should be mastered.

Foundations is more structured while if you click on Elements 1 you can see what is it in the description.

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Brian Pfeister

Thanks Alessandro! I did look at the first few videos of E1 and it look about the same as what I was doing in Foundations just with more frequency and volume. But I think I hear you saying that in the long run Foundations will give me more comprehensive results (what I'm looking for). At what point in Foundations does the volume start to increase?

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Everett Carroll

You can use either Elements or Foundations to get through the first 6 Foundation progressions. After that, Foundations will be your best bet for long term training. If you select the 'Too Easy' smiley face in Foundations, your sets and reps will increase at a slightly faster rate than Elements. You'll then move to a low volume step of the next progression (the Elements 2 exercises) but can advance quickly again using the same smiley face selection.


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Brian Pfeister

Thanks Everett! That helps. Sounds like I will just stick with the Foundations progression and try to be patient!

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Hey Brian:

I firmly believe we all begin Foundations thinking the initial workouts are a cakewalk and not the least bit challenging. It won't take long for Foundations to bite you in the butt--especially if you zip through the PE1's. Note too that you will progress through the seven different Foundation disciplines at varying speeds. For instance, I'm just finishing Foundation 3 in SLS, in Foundation 2 for several others--but have been stuck on PE2 for RC and HBP forever. Everyone comes into this with strengths and weaknesses--weaknesses that are quickly exposed :).

Welcome and enjoy the journey!

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Brian Pfeister

Thanks Bill! That was some of the confirmation I was looking for. This week I've just been completing my Foundations...and then doing a workout afterward! I realize you need to start at the beginning. I just didn't want to still be doing 6 reps of wall pushups and half squats 2 months from now!

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