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Working with pain

Brenton Reveruzzi

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Brenton Reveruzzi


I have been dealing with bicep tendonitis on and off for a few years now. It has recently flared up once again. My question is should I be stretching or doing any mobility exercises even if I feel pain.  I am trying to release all those tight muscles to make room for the tendon to work correctly but keep running into pain while on the path of recovery.  I FEEL STUCK between continuing to stretch to increase mobility and resting to recover???

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Alessandro Mainente
  On 9/24/2019 at 2:06 AM, Brenton Reveruzzi said:


I have been dealing with bicep tendonitis on and off for a few years now. It has recently flared up once again. My question is should I be stretching or doing any mobility exercises even if I feel pain.  I am trying to release all those tight muscles to make room for the tendon to work correctly but keep running into pain while on the path of recovery.  I FEEL STUCK between continuing to stretch to increase mobility and resting to recover???


Generally speaking, bicep tendonitis occurs ONLY because your training schedule is not for you, it has too much intensity, volume, and frequency.

Mobility itself does not decrease the time of recovery. 

Rest on bicep flexion exercise until the pain in the daily activities is gone, then change immediately your training schedule or it will come back again for the 3rd time.

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