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Backward roll to support on rings


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[list=]Hi can someone show a video of backward roll to support? in slow mo best.I kind of have a hard time to make a transition to support, enough strength but at some point when I'm my legs go through and down, rings are blocking me. I'm using the same grip as for mu-up(false grip) and try to keep them close to my body but It looks like rings have to do some twist or so to get me in the position. Video or some pics with grip and ring movement would be appreciated .Thanks

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I asked Gregor about this some time ago in a thread. No idea where it is.

I played with it in my trainers but haven't tried to do so in a long time.

It's important to keep the rings close, almost together as if they were a bar (like when doing a pullover on regular bar).

Of course, you probably need to be able to do a korean dip or RTO Dip. You need to have a ridiculous strong dip. Those dips were they hit a bent arm planche/maltese come to mind.

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  Blairbob said:

I asked Gregor about this some time ago in a thread. No idea where it is.

I played with it in my trainers but haven't tried to do so in a long time.

It's important to keep the rings close, almost together as if they were a bar (like when doing a pullover on regular bar).

Of course, you probably need to be able to do a korean dip or RTO Dip. You need to have a ridiculous strong dip. Those dips were they hit a bent arm planche/maltese come to mind.

Thanks for video It's quite fast but I noticed the rings are a bit different from extreme rings and they seem to turn 360 degrees? or maybe It's my imagination. I feel quite strong with my triceps ,15 mu-up on rings,can push few deep dips on rings with 30kg, anyway I think I'm quite high with my shoulders and elbows over the rings It just feels like straps stop rings from turning or something. Maybe my grip is wrong,I use false grip, or maybe extreme rings are a bit different and not ideal for doing this movement? no clue. Thanks anyway

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Set the strap at 10 feet. Then they would be regulation length. Straps act a bit differently when they are only set at 2-3 feet.

Backward roll to support is much different from a hang than standing.

Maybe try a false grip? Dunno.

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There is not much diffrence in doing back roll on extreme rings or on competition rings.

Elbows must be close to the body, I prefer elbows must not go behind your back and must always be in contact with your obliqoues. Also keep the elbows at 90° angle at all time (not at the begining and at the end when you must straighten your elbows).

You don't need false grip, but you can use it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Alvaro Antolinez

Is it more difficult than MU? When performed in the videos they seems easier than MU. But you never know... For me they seem quite hard!

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Nic Scheelings

Backward roll isn't much harder in terms of strength it is more about technique then anything, that being said for a long time I had no idea how to do it and then it just clicked. I can post a vid of me doing some if people want one for demonstration purposes. But I really feel its best to have someone showing u and then just oractice the movement if u can muscle up ur strong enough

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  • 1 month later...
Alessandro Mainente

there is someone who can explain the tecnique to do this skill or a progression that i must follow? and in necessary a sufficent strength in another skill in order to perform the backward roll to support?

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I just managed to do one of them, but I think it's far away from even a good one. I was told to keep the rings very close to my body, and when I do it half the way I'm kind of being stoped by straps blocking my shoulders and my thighs blocking my elbows, I'm fighting to get them out of my way and than I complete it. So there's something wrong, maybe my elbows are too bent, too close to my body? I don't get high enough?

Anyways some kind of video,tutoral ,slowly done would be nice.


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