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Slow progress on pushups and ground rows

Miquel Malet Casas

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Miquel Malet Casas

Hi guys, I wanted to ask if the time it's taking me to move through the upper body exercises is normal or if there's something off. I signed up for GB last november, so 6 months ago. I got to pushups in December and to ground rows in January. Today I still haven't mastered 5x9 pushups and 5x9 ground rows. Is this normal? I haven't stayed for this long in any of the core or lower body exercises and I work out pretty much every day from Monday to Saturday alternating between lower and upper body. On Sundays I do the stretching series.

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Alessandro Mainente
2 hours ago, Miquel Malet Casas said:

Hi guys, I wanted to ask if the time it's taking me to move through the upper body exercises is normal or if there's something off. I signed up for GB last november, so 6 months ago. I got to pushups in December and to ground rows in January. Today I still haven't mastered 5x9 pushups and 5x9 ground rows. Is this normal? I haven't stayed for this long in any of the core or lower body exercises and I work out pretty much every day from Monday to Saturday alternating between lower and upper body. On Sundays I do the stretching series.

Hi Miquel there are many factors which can affect the mastery or not..first on all technique. i noticed that this is your first post so it means that no form check were done before. my suggestion is to use the GST course private forum to have a check on the execution of the exercises where you are in a stall point.

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  • 5 weeks later...
John Crocker

It sounds like you could use a de-load. Training all movements three times a week might not be letting your body recover enough before the next session. If I was stalling on one of the steps I would probably take one to two weeks completely off or do very light work.

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