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Anterior delt is the Glute of the upper body


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Hi everybody,

I recently became interested in an anatomical comparison between upper legs and upper arms muscles 

So do you agree with the following statements ?

Quadriceps (rectus femoris) = long head of the tricep
Quadriceps (vastus lateralis) = Lateral head of tricep

Hamstring (long head) = bicep long head
Hamstring (Short head) = bicep short head

And one of them wich i'm not sur about :

Gluteus maximus = ??? (anterior delt ?)

Could you tell me what you think ?


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Alessandro Mainente
4 hours ago, Victor A MOUCLIER said:

Hi everybody,

I recently became interested in an anatomical comparison between upper legs and upper arms muscles 

So do you agree with the following statements ?

Quadriceps (rectus femoris) = long head of the tricep
Quadriceps (vastus lateralis) = Lateral head of tricep

Hamstring (long head) = bicep long head
Hamstring (Short head) = bicep short head

And one of them wich i'm not sur about :

Gluteus maximus = ??? (anterior delt ?)

Could you tell me what you think ?


What's the criteria of the coupling?

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