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getting started properly

Eric Reyes

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Eric Reyes

been always active with martial arts then bodybuilding then kettlebell...now I'm earnestly diving in gymnastics, via GymFit of course, as I came to realize the benefits especially at my age (45yrs old, 5'5", 74kgs @ approximately 12% BF)...

my question is, should I discard bodybuilding/kettlebell altogether? or could i still do them? currently doing the Intermediate 1 in Guided Plans....

I'd like to progress in my gymnastics training as much as I can but it would also be nice, if possible, to retain the muscle I gained from lifting...

Thanks in advance for any input 

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Alessandro Mainente
8 hours ago, Eric Reyes said:

been always active with martial arts then bodybuilding then kettlebell...now I'm earnestly diving in gymnastics, via GymFit of course, as I came to realize the benefits especially at my age (45yrs old, 5'5", 74kgs @ approximately 12% BF)...

my question is, should I discard bodybuilding/kettlebell altogether? or could i still do them? currently doing the Intermediate 1 in Guided Plans....

I'd like to progress in my gymnastics training as much as I can but it would also be nice, if possible, to retain the muscle I gained from lifting...

Thanks in advance for any input 

Hey Eric it depend on your priority...

my suggestion is to hold an averga number of sets of 15-20 for a muscle group.

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Eric Reyes
5 hours ago, Alessandro Mainente said:

Hey Eric it depend on your priority...

my suggestion is to hold an averga number of sets of 15-20 for a muscle group.

Actually, I was thinking of not altering the guided plans as I believe a lot of thought has been given in structuring it...also, as a beginner to gymnastics training, I'd rather leave the programming of the workout to the experts...at least for now

I was thinking more like adding another session in the day like a kettlebell workout...

thanks in advance for the advise

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Alessandro Mainente
4 hours ago, Eric Reyes said:

Actually, I was thinking of not altering the guided plans as I believe a lot of thought has been given in structuring it...also, as a beginner to gymnastics training, I'd rather leave the programming of the workout to the experts...at least for now

I was thinking more like adding another session in the day like a kettlebell workout...

thanks in advance for the advise

you can , the best idea is to focus on other muscles or stay on higher rep ranges like 12-15.

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  • 3 months later...
Michael Clark 423161

OK, I just signed up and have never been to this site before.  I clicked on the beginner program, and I cannot even get into the positions shown in the warm up video.  There is no discussion about how to modify anything.  The athlete shown in the beginning warm up is clearly advanced with incredible flexibility.  Many programs and apps show you how to modify movements.  If the warm up video is any indication of the content that follows, this is pretty weak and not worth the money.

I joined to gain flexibility and mobility.  It seems like I'm in the wrong place and this program is not designed for people like me.  Looks like if you don't have flexibility of a gymnast you are pretty much screwed right out of the gate.

I'll wait to see if there is any coaches monitoring this - maybe I'm missing something but not a good start.  


Mike C.


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Bill Marr

Do you have access to the Stretching Series (Middle Split, Front Split & Thoracic Bridge Series)? Those courses are amazing for increasing mobility. Sure, it looks intimidating at the start and many of us can only do a fraction of the range of motion when starting. But keep at each one once a week and in 6 months you'll be shocked at how much more movement you have. For 20+ years I couldn't run for more than a couple of KMs before my hip pain forced me to stop. After a few months of doing these and five years later on, I can run 10K + without even a twinge of pain.

My mobility today is light years better than ever and better than most people half my age. The main ingredients in this are patience and consistency.

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