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Adapt mobility work for injuries

Megan klabunde

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Megan klabunde

Hi! I am in recovery from hamstring tendinopathy that occurred after I tore my hamstring (going into the splits doing aerial work). I have been doing physical therapy and have graduated from it (they are encouraging slow heavy lifting and essentric hamstring weight training. I have been told to not do more passive stretching than active stretching. I also have a Ham and Pincer bilateral hip impingement on both sides of my hips that took me out of competitive powerlifting back in 2015. I do a lot of glute med and mobility work because of this. I would love to be able to do the splits again. Will the trainings in GymFit be safe for me to do as is? Or will I need modifications? What is the balance of active vs passive stretching. Also are there any exercises that are in this program that are not recommended because of my prior injuries? I would like to get to a place of increased mobility and prevent injuries in the future. 

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Alessandro Mainente
9 hours ago, Megan klabunde said:

Hi! I am in recovery from hamstring tendinopathy that occurred after I tore my hamstring (going into the splits doing aerial work). I have been doing physical therapy and have graduated from it (they are encouraging slow heavy lifting and essentric hamstring weight training. I have been told to not do more passive stretching than active stretching. I also have a Ham and Pincer bilateral hip impingement on both sides of my hips that took me out of competitive powerlifting back in 2015. I do a lot of glute med and mobility work because of this. I would love to be able to do the splits again. Will the trainings in GymFit be safe for me to do as is? Or will I need modifications? What is the balance of active vs passive stretching. Also are there any exercises that are in this program that are not recommended because of my prior injuries? I would like to get to a place of increased mobility and prevent injuries in the future. 

Hi Megan, i think that there is no a specific guideline in the sense that if something produces pain it is better to avoid it.

for sure i would look for a long period period of general conditioning with high reps , high total time under tension and so on. probably for now the restore series of gymfit and eventually scaled version are more suitable for you.

for the legs gymgit should be fine but again everything should be adapted in function of your situations. for sure islation exercise with machine like hamstring curl are essential..

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