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Push work only ?


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Hi everybody,

Bar accessibility to do pulling work is limited for me (small living space, weather outside to find a bar, time to do so) so there's weeks where suspended pulling work is completely missing in my workouts.

I still train Push FBE Hard like dips, Pseudo planche push ups, HeSPU and i'm pretty sure i will devellop anteroposterior imbalance soon.

If i choose to not be dedicated at all to pull up variations : Which pulling motion or exercice would be essential only in order to balance the push work ? (something i can do with light dumbells or band)

Biomechanics is complex so thank you in advance for the advices

Edited by Victor A MOUCLIER
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Alessandro Mainente
On 4/19/2024 at 11:00 AM, Victor A MOUCLIER said:

Hi everybody,

Bar accessibility to do pulling work is limited for me (small living space, weather outside to find a bar, time to do so) so there's weeks where suspended pulling work is completely missing in my workouts.

I still train Push FBE Hard like dips, Pseudo planche push ups, HeSPU and i'm pretty sure i will devellop anteroposterior imbalance soon.

If i choose to not be dedicated at all to pull up variations : Which pulling motion or exercice would be essential only in order to balance the push work ? (something i can do with light dumbells or band)

Biomechanics is complex so thank you in advance for the advices

Hi Victor, any type pf horizonal pulling. but rather than searching for muscles balance i'll search for postural balance so strive to maintain the extension of the spine primarily.

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