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Beyond Balance Stall Bars (Beech or Poplar)

Charles Barry

Recommended Posts

Charles Barry

Hello mates, 


Looking at these stall bars that come with a pull up/dip attachment: 



Will be installing them on a brick wall indoors (back of a fireplace), limited space.


Two questions: 


  1. Anyone had any negative experiences or see any issues with installing stall bars into a brick wall?
  2. Which wood is best, Beech or Poplar?


I've seen on here that Coach likes the Rogue Fitness metal bars, but think the Rogue bars are too wide for the space I have, and I prefer the look and feel of wood. 

Beech seems to be a stronger material but Poplar seems to have more flex.  Do you want a little flex in your stall bar rungs, or do you want them as stiff as you can get?  Both are rated for 350 lbs.  I'm about 215-220 out of shape, 195-200 when training consistently, so I don't think I'll break them either way. 


Also, open to recommendations to bars other than the Beyond Balance above.  






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