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David Picó García

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David Picó García

I've seen the new progression on basic strength ring series includes a shoulderstand. I can do that, but it scares me. under my gym rings there is not a good mat but a wood floor, so when im upside down and there's a moment when lifting the legs that the body tends to drop forward. I can straddle an put my legs on the straps but when i do that i loose the feeling of the movement.

Well, what i want to know is how to go "safely" from a shoulderstand to a forward roll. It would be the same techique from support to forward roll as we see in the basic strength series videos? :roll: thanks in advance.

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Coach Sommer

Shoulder Stand Article & Video

I will see if I can post a shoulder stand article and demonstration video late next week.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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David Picó García

Thanks!!! i have to say that following those progressions on rings series im improving a lot. Today i did what i can say it was my first front lever!!!!:D . just a second or less, but did it. and im sure its thanks to thouse series ive been doing those weeks.

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If you can work the shoulderstand on parallel bars to master the movement. It's a bit like a headstand with just more upper body strength necessary.

On rings, from a good support, lift the hips high as possibly and then the arms will bend to get those hips to vertical. Catch the straps with your feet or legs and practice either holding in that tuck position or playing with the balance while your legs are on the straps ( this will tend to arch the shoulderstand ).

Throw an old mattress, futon, or go buy a bunch of cheap couch pillows. You might be able to just roll out and get your legs down to stand up...or you might fall on your head.

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