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second gymnast who performs airflare

Alessandro Mainente

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Alessandro Mainente


after morgan hamm another young gymnast performs this bboy's move on a competition...

this move...has finally a "skill value" or not?

i think this is a very very difficutl skill more than flare, i'm capable to perform it on the elbows for many rounds but on my hands i got only one round...but the tecnique is the same...i'm not surprised if we will see airflare on the elbows, or one handed airflare...

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I'm pretty sure airflares are in the code.

If I remember correctly, in order to get a skill added to the code of points you have to send it in for review. In order to get it named after you, you have to compete it in an international competition.

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If I remember correctly, in order to get a skill added to the code of points you have to send it in for review. In order to get it named after you, you have to compete it in an international competition.

Ah, okay. I thought competing the skill in international competition was required for both

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Alessandro Mainente

ok...but morgan hamm didn't perform it in a internatrional competition?

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I am surprised that gymnasts are having such a hard time with this skill. While considered a hard move by breakdancers there is quite a few of them that can do it and their flares in comparison to gymnasts are rarely as clean. Of course I am coming from the assumption that clean flares translate to air flares (hm this used to be called air track as I remember).

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Alessandro Mainente

....from my bboy experience...i can say that ,for the bboys , perform a not clean flare is onl a lack on tecnique.

Consider that the big part of bboys don't learn circles before flare, so the result is that in order to go on the back they lift up their ass..arriving in a hollow body position...if you search closely on youtube you can find also bboys wich not lift up the ass but they try to extend their hips but the most bent their legs a little bit..

The airflare is a little bit different if you take your legs always straight is moooooooore simple close a round of it!!!!

the airflare is ideally perfomed without a kick on the legs when you are ina standing position..so do it in this way is not the best way...maybe if you are able to do it with the swing tecnique you are able to do with the kick but not the opposite...

The airflare with legs bent is consider a variation...

As the last think...in the beginning airflare was conceived with the body parallel to the ground!!! yes it sounds absurd because requires a lot of strength...if you look on youtube a very little part on bboys can perrfomr it with the body at this level..

from one side learning the airflare is simplified by the fact that there are some moves that you can learn before..and these moves accelerate the learning of airflare...in the same way that solid back lever accelerate the planche learning...so for the bboys learning clean flares is more difficult because they don't have a solid base of circles...but for the airflare they can use a sort of progression

low body position airflare
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Flares and airflares are two very different motions. In fact, a flare or flair in the air would be look a lot different. I think gymnast sometimes have more issues with airflares than people would think normal because of their good habits. High level gymnast would be used to staying very tight to rotate. That is the way to get multiple rotations on layouts and such. When I was a bboy and going down the airflare progressions, especially swipes, it was more of different kind of twist. One side of the body rotates very far and the other side is forced to rotate to catch up. If you're too tight it doesn't work. On the flip side

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Alessandro Mainente

the secret of the airlfare is only (for clockwise) move the from a single hand handstand into an handstand with you chest facing to the ceiling and with your body unbalance on your right arm...like if you have to fall on the back...in this way the hop from one hand to the other is minimal...to perform this trick the swing movement can help but is not necessary...

look at 37 sec or at 53 sec (better that 37) for what i mean...catch this particular is the secret to achieve airflare...the biggest part of bboys who teachs to other people doesen't explain this part...and for me is the key...i can say that if you are strong on your abs, you have a solid handstand and the control of your body, you don't have fear and you catch this thing you can close 1 round of airflare in 10 minutes....

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why nobody performes them: because they are not worth of doing them, no points to add. They are not in the code of points.

I've seen perfect airflairs from one youg gymnast in a perfect split with total control.

I'm sure you would see more of these if it would benefit to the difficulty score.

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Alessandro Mainente
why nobody performes them: because they are not worth of doing them, no points to add. They are not in the code of points.

I've seen perfect airflairs from one youg gymnast in a perfect split with total control.

I'm sure you would see more of these if it would benefit to the difficulty score.

i agree with you at 100%...but i cannot understand why airflare is not in the code of points...maybe is only a matter of time?

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James Portillo

Being a bboy first before a fitness enthusiast (or anything else I am passionate about, really), it would be interesting for airflares to be included into gymnastics as something that can be scored but to be honest I would feel a little weird if it started getting called after someone else's name.

Also to note, there are actually a few variations; bent leg, legs in lotus position, elbow (like mentioned above, which are actually easier than on the hands), and even one-handed (which VERY few can do and actually looks INSANE). There's also what's called a 1.5 airflare which is when a b-boy does an airflare rotation plus one-half transitioning into moves on the floor.. it basically looks like an airflare crashing into the ground but is not exactly what it sounds like.

Here are some examples:

(Reserved for edit..)*

Er, the embedding on this forum sort of confuses me.. can anyone help me out? :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Alessandro Mainente

insane evolution of skill...thinking that a gymnast like morgan hamm performs airflare correclty...

here pierre performs one hand perfect airflare, airflare 360 , and one elbow airflare 720 (yes 2 rotations in the air)

evolution and passion...

only for curiosity...i saw pierre training a few months ago in france when i went for 3 days...sometimes he trains with some of coach sommer exercise...like senders, body lever,l-sit walks, handstand wall walk, front pull...these are some of the exercises that he uses...insane

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