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press handstand help


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ive recently started training press handstands but i am not sure of the muscles im meant to be using. i have decent shoulder strength as i can do several full ROM handstand pushups. for the press i start in a pike with my arms straight and legs slightly straddled and try to lift my hips but they wont budge. do i have to use my shoulders more or my lower back or what? i just cant get the 'feel' of the exercise. any help will be appreciated.

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John Sapinoso

id say that 75 percent of a press is flexibility,

work those straddle stretches and get a straddle press before you try a pike

i think there's a thread on this, try a search

but for now you can do

slow negatives on a wall

press head stands

and press hand stands with legs elevated on a mat to help lift your hips up

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Shoulders, butt, feet.

Start working handstand to L or handstand to straddle L/pancake.

As well straddle L to straddle stand.

Wall press handstands. Find a friend and you can spot each as rest time.

A straddle stand press to headstand will teach you the movement of your hips and legs.

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  • 7 months later...

dear fellow gymnasts,

i have alot of streagth, but i can do a simple strattle press handstand without bending my arms(in which case it becomes much easier). what should i be doing to help me keep my arms straight as i lean forward into the press?

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dear fellow gymnasts,

i have alot of streagth, but i can do a simple strattle press handstand without bending my arms(in which case it becomes much easier). what should i be doing to help me keep my arms straight as i lean forward into the press?

Active flexibility/compression to make it easier so you don't have to lean forward as much

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