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Tucked Planche


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I'm trying to go from an L sit, hands on floor, to a tucked planche, any help please.

Also getting my hips up high and level with my shoulders.

I'm 60 so all help welcome .

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well first of I hope you have a pretty solid tuck planche (good hold for at least five seconds without becoming to fatigued) and a good L-sit.

personally i would invest in a set of parallette's, but if you really wanna get this skill on floor then well i try and help you.

firstly your gonna have to go from L-sit to a tuck hold then rotateto a tuck planche. thats about all I'm gonna say right now.

like i said before i would get a set of parallette's, they'll give you a whole set of new exercises you can perform with them.

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It's awesome you're 60 and still actively exercising and getting into gymnastic movements. So just wanted to say that.

Second, parallettes will help immensely. You can buy them online or can make them yourself out of pvc pipe. There are many guides just google them.

Third, if you want to work on the floor, you'll most likely have to press up onto your fingertips. Initially, your fingertips may not be strong enough to safely support your weight so work on fingertip pushups and l-sits and anything else to slowly get your tendons and ligaments in your hands to a better place.

Good luck in training!

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