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exercise section

Edward Smith

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will the exercise section be full of exercises? or links to other exercise websites or something else?

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Exercise Section

I will gradually fill the Exercise section with the movements and exercises that I introduce to you from the WODs (Workout of the Day). As you can imagine it is an enormous project and will be far more manageable when approached in this progressive manner.

No, the exercises will not be links to those performed on other sites, but will be the movements and variations that I employ with my own champion athletes; performed and demonstrated by those same athletes. Surely you know that there are many imitators, but only one Coach Sommer :wink:. Just kidding, but by now you are surely getting a feel for the fact that I have a particular way that I want workouts structured, variations used and movements performed. The only way to get the attention to detail that I prefer in the execution of these movements will be to have my own athletes demonstrate.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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