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Swinging Ring Support Holds


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Swinging Ring Support Holds

Click here for a video demonstration of this exercise.

Very good exercise for pecs and sholders! It seems very easy exercise, but don't underestimate it 8)

1. longer the cables are, harder is

2. more you swing harder gets


1. no bending arms and body

2. you can do proggresions with palms turning out and higher swings

I recomend about 10 swing (with completly straight arms)! it's good for competitive gymnast to, let them try :oops: :lol:

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When i first read this i thought you had meant support swings like on pbars which are also a good exercise, but i'll have to try this next time i have a chance.

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I was thinking support swings on rings as well.

I wonder if you can continue the swinging of the rings by swinging the body like a ring support swing.

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I remember doing these when I first started off working on my support, only comment I have here is to not try these unless you have a solid support on the rings, if you're not ready for these they can do some harm like all things in gymnastics.

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Tried them today, and it feels like how it was when I tried my first basic support on the rings--shaky, but a good finisher to a good workout.

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I tried it today. No big deal for about thirty seconds right? Then about one second later I understood why you recommended these.

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Tray palms turned out with complete straight arms, if it's to easy go for longer swings or ut some weights in your pockets or better on chest...

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  • 4 months later...
  Sune said:
Swinging like that while performing an iron cross would be the coolest thing ever.

It can be done to.

I sometimes do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Richard Duelley
  Gregor said:
  Sune said:
Swinging like that while performing an iron cross would be the coolest thing ever.

It can be done to.

I sometimes do it.

I think that would make the coolest video EVER! 8)

aka: this is a request for a video please


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  niftyvt said:
  Gregor said:
  Sune said:
Swinging like that while performing an iron cross would be the coolest thing ever.

It can be done to.

I sometimes do it.

I think that would make the coolest video EVER! 8)

aka: this is a request for a video please


We'll see....When I'll have more time.

I have on "to do list" an iron cross video (diffrent trainings:pully, bands,...;diffrent variations; ,....).

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  • 8 months later...

Pretty silly question, but since I'm new to this, I'm excused.

I thought support was when you're upside down in the same position. I was swinging like that yesterday :D So what is that called?

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There are two variations for this movement; both happen while on top of the rings in support.

1) The athlete gets into a XR Support Position on the rings and then begins to swing their body back and forth while the rings stay stationary. This will appear quite similar to a support swing on the parallel bars.

2) The athlete assumes a XR Support Position on the rings and struggles to hold that position steady while the rings themselves swing back and forth. This is surprisingly difficult. The larger the degree of swing, the more difficult it is to maintain a steady XR Support Position.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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  • 1 month later...

Is there anything to be gained from doing this inverted, trying to keep your body parallel to the ropes? 'Cause it's quite fun to do that.

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  • 2 years later...

Well, bringing back an old thread. How in the world do you keep the rings stationary?

  Coach Sommer said:
1) The athlete gets into a XR Support Position on the rings and then begins to swing their body back and forth while the rings stay stationary. This will appear quite similar to a support swing on the parallel bars.

Maybe I'm having difficulties due to today being the first time I've tried them, but if I'm not mistaken it's incredibly difficult to do this with the rings turned out. My XR RTO support is very strong but this I cannot do, so I've started with rings in for now until I get it down properly.

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